Glossary of Judaism

April 28, 2024 · updated April 28, 2024

(Hebrew, "A-B"). The Hebrew alphabet.
Closing prayer of every synagogue service, proclaiming God's sovereignty.
(Hebrew, "going up"). To "make an aliyah" is to be called up to recite the blessing before the Torah reading.
Small desk in a synagogue from which the Torah is read.
(lit. Greek: "out of the writings"). Books not included in the Hebrew canon of the Old Testament, but included in the Greek Septuagint. Catholic and Orthodox Christans include the Apocrypha in the canon of scripture; Protestant Christians do not.
(Acronym for Hebrew aron hakodesh, "holy chest"). Cabinet in a synagogue that holds the Torah scrolls, usually located at the front of the sanctuary.
Jews from eastern and northern Europe and their descendents, to be distinguished from Sephardic Jews.
Bar Mitzvah
(Hebrew, "son of the commandment"). A boy who has reached the age of 13 and is thereafter expected to obey the commandments. Term also used for the ceremony marking this occasion.
bat mitzvah
(Hebrew, "daughter of the commandment"). A girl who has reached the age of 12 and is thereafter expected to obey the commandments. Term also used for the ceremony marking this occasion.
beit knesset
(Hebrew, "house of assembly"). The synagogue.
beit midrash
(Hebrew, "house of study"). A place designated for the study of sacred texts, usually a part of the synogogue.
beit tefilah
(Hebrew, "house of prayer"). The synagogue.
(Hebrew, "son of"; Aramaic "bar" or "ibn"). Son of. Used in traditional Hebrew names; e.g., Rabbi Moses ben Maimon is Moses, the son of Maimon.
bet din
(Hebrew, "house of judgment"). A rabbinal court convened to resolve business disputes, grant divorces, determine whether a prospective convert is ready for conversion, etc.
(Hebrew brit, "covenant"). Colloquial name for the ritual of circumcision, from the Ashkenazi pronunciation of brit.
(Hebrew, "covenant"). The special covenant between God and the Jewish people.
brit milah
(Hebrew, "covenant of circumcision"). The ritual of circumcision performed on the eighth day of a boy's life. More commonly known as brit.
"Common Era" or "Christian Era." Designation of years used by Jews and others who wish to avoid the affirmation of faith embedded in AD (Latin anno domini, "in the year of our Lord").
Nine-branch candlestick used on Hanukkah. More commonly, though not accurately, called a menorah.
chevra kaddisha
(Hebrew, "holy society"). In Judaism, volunteers who care for a body and prepare it for burial.
Commandments that have no known reason behind them.
(Hebrew, "canopy"). Also spelled huppah. Canopy under which the Jewish marriage ceremony takes place, representing the marriage chamber or the couple's new home. The term is also used colloquially for the marriage ceremony as a whole.
Arrogance, guts, presumption. Generally meant positively.
Counting of the Omer
(Hebrew Sefirat ha-Omer). The counting of days between Passover and Shavuot.
Daf Yomi
(Hebrew, "the daily page"). Program of studying one page of Talmud per day.
Jews living outside of Israel.
Documentary Hypothesis
The modern scholarly hypothesis that the Torah was written by four distinct authors, identified as J (for "Jehovah"), E (for "Elohim"), P (for "Priestly"), and D (for "Deuternomist").
e'udat mitzvot
A festive meal following the fulfillment of a mitvot, such as circumcision.
A ceremony accompanying the burial or cremation of a deceased person.
(Hebrew, "eminence, excellence"). Title given to the head of the Babylonian academy and later to distinguished Talmud scholars in the 6th to 12th centuries.
(Hebrew, "completion"). Commentary on the Mishnah. The Gemara and the Mishnah constitute the Talmud.
Divorce decree granted by a bet din.
Rabbinic law designed to prevent accidental violation of a mitzvah.
(Hebrew, "transmigration"). The Jewish doctrine of the transmigration (reincarnation) of souls, taught by the founder of Karaism and found also in kabbalistic writings.
(Hebrew, "nation"; Yiddish, "Gentile"). Non-Jew. Sometimes used pejoratively, but the word itself is not negative.
Portion of the Prophets read in synagogue services.
(Hebrew, "discourse" or "telling"). Non-legal material in the Talmud and Midrash, including stories, legends, theology, and sermons.
(Hebrew, "the walk"). Jewish Law. Consists of the 613 mitzvot of the Torah plus rabbinic law and custom.
(Hebrew, "the walk"). Jewish Law. Consists of the 613 mitzvot of the Torah plus rabbinic law and custom.
Psalms 113-118, recited at the end of morning service on festival days.
Beginning on Kislev 25 (in December), Hanukkah is celebrated for eight days; during this time, in addition to the lighting of the ceremonial candles, gifts are exchanged and children play holiday games..
(Hebrew, "The Name"). God. Used especially by Orthodox Jews to avoid saying a name of God.
Evening prayer for God's protection while sleeping.
A type of Jewish mysticism characterized by an ascetic lifestyle, strict observance of the commandments, and loud ecstatic forms of worship and prayer. Hasidism emphasizes prayer as a means of communicating with God as opposed to study of the Torah..
(Hebrew) The "seal of approval" on kosher foods.
Prayer proclaiming the greatness of God. Used as the mourners' prayer but also at other points in the liturgy.
(Hebrew, "fit"). Fit for ritual use. Also a verb meaning "to make a food or object fit for ritual use."
(Hebrew, "fitness"). Jewish dietary laws.
(Hebrew, "holiness"). Holiness.
(Hebrew) Disc-like head covering. Known as yarmulke in Yiddish.
A white linen robe worn by Jewish men on special occasions to signify purity, holiness and new beginnings.
Kol Nidre
(Hebrew, "All Vows). Famous hymn sung during Yom Kippur releasing Jews of all religious vows made in the previous year.
Anglicized form of Hebrew kasher ("fit") indicating a food or object fit for ritual use.
(Hebrew, "To life"). A Jewish toast.
lashon kodesh
(Hebrew, "the holy tongue"). Hebrew.
Lion of Judah
Symbol of the tribe of Judah; used in Judaism and Rastafarianism
Interwoven branches of palm, willow, and myrtle used in the Sukkot celebration.
Generally refers to the legal and social union of a man and woman as husband and wife although in recent time the term has occasionally been applied to the union of a gay couple as well.
(Hebrew) Rabbi trained to certify foods as kosher.
(Hebrew, "unleavened bread"). Also spelled matzo or mazzah. Unleaved (non-yeast) bread used during Passover based on Exodus 12:39, in which the Israelites fled Egypt with only unleavened bread because they could not wait for the dough to rise.
mazel tov
(Hebrew, "good planetary influences "). "Good luck." Usually said at the end of a wedding or upon hearing good news.
(Hebrew, "doorpost"). Small parchment of Torah verses placed on the doorpost of Jewish homes in obedience to Deut. 6:9.
(Hebrew derash, "sermon"). Stories, sermons, parables, and other material explaining the Talmud.
(Hebrew derash, "sermon"). Stories, sermons, parables, and other material explaining the Talmud.
Body of natural water used for ritual cleansing.
(Hebrew, "a teaching that is repeated"). Rabbinic commentary on the Torah and part of the Talmud. Codified c. 200 CE by Judah Ha-Nasi.
Mishneh Torah
(Hebrew, "repetition of Torah"). The book of Deuteronomy or, more commonly, the code of Maimonides.
(Hebrew "commandments"). Commandments; religious actions (singular mitzvah). Sometimes used more generally to refer to any good deed.
(pronounced "MOY-el"). The person who performs the ritual of circumcision. Must be an observant Jew trained in the applicable Jewish law and surgical technique.
The feeling or expression of grief or sorrow; also, the period of ritual observance accompanying a death.
(pronounced "neh-vee-EEM") (Hebrew, "Prophets"). Second section of the Tanakh, containing the writings of the prophets and history covering roughly 700 years after Moses.
Olam Ha-Ba
The "World to Come" - the Jewish afterlife.
Oral Torah
The Mishnah. According to traditional Jews, part of the Torah received by Moses at Sinai but not written down until c. 200 CE as the Mishnah.
(Yiddish, "neutral"). Kosher foods that contain no meat or dairy and therefore may be eaten with either.
Passover begins on the 15th and ends on the 21st or 22nd day of the month of Nisan (March or April)..
People of the Book
Muhammad's designation for Jews and Christians, and sometimes Zoroastrians and Hindus. Because their religions featured scriptures and some aspect of divine revelation, they were not required to convert.
(Hebrew, "teacher"). Jewish spiritual leader.
Reform Judaism
This branch of Judaism challenged the absolute nature of ritual laws and customs established in the Torah and Talmud by advocating reform and liberalism..
a vast collection (thousands of volumes) of answers to specific questions on Jewish law
Rosh Hashanah
The Jewish New Year, celebrated on 1 Tishri (in September or October). According to Jewish tradition, this is considered the day on which all humans are judged and it ushers in a 10-day period of self-examination and penitence.
The Jewish day of rest from Friday at sunset to Saturday at sunset.
The "Jewish godfather": the man who holds the baby boy during the rite of circumcision.
Second Temple
The Temple in Jerusalem that was rebuilt in 516 BCE after the Babylonian Exile and destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE.
Jews from the Middle East and Spain and their descendents.
Ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible dating from 300-200 BCE, used extensively by New Testament writers and the early church.
Jewish greeting meaning "hello," "goodbye," or "peace."
The presence of God; the Holy Spirit. In Kabbalistic thought, the feminine aspect of God.
(Hebrew "names"). The Hebrew name for Exodus, the second book of the Torah.
Grave; world of the dead.
Kosher butcher.
(Hebrew, "guards"). In Judaism, those who stay with a body prior to burial so that it will not be left alone.
(Hebrew, "order"). Prayer book used in Jewish liturgy.
(Hebrew, "rejoicing"). Any Jewish celebration.
The Jewish autumn festival celebrated in September or October (15-21 Tishri) as a festival of thanksgiving. Sukkot is one of three Jewish pilgrim festivals. In biblical times the festival was associated with the agricultural year.
(also spelled talit; Yiddish tallis; plural talitot) A prayer shawl worn by Jews during weekday morning services, on the Sabbath, and on holidays.
(Hebrew "teaching"). The Oral Torah: a collection of rabbinical writings that interpret, explain and apply the Torah scriptures. Consists of the Mishnah and the Gemara.
(acronym for Torah, Nevi'im and Ketuvim). The Jewish Bible.
taryag mitzvot
(Hebrew, "613 commandments"). The 613 commandments given in the Torah and enumerated by Maimonides.
Ten Commandments
Ten religious and moral laws that God gave the Israelites through Moses, as recorded in the book of Exodus.
(Hebrew, "torn"; also spelled treyf or treif). Food that is not kosher and may not be eaten.
(Hebrew, "turning"). Repentance; self-evaluation.
The Fall
The disobedience of Adam and Eve described in Genesis 3 that resulted in ill effects for the remainder of humanity.
Tikkun olan
The healing of the world; world peace; social justice.
(Hebrew, "Law"). The first five books of the Jewish Bible. Also known as the Five Books of Moses or the Pentateuch.
(Hebrew, "torn"). Food that is not kosher; prohibited. Also spelled "terayfa" or "treif."
The reverent love and allegiance accorded a deity, idol, or sacred object, often expressed through ceremonies, prayers, or other religious rituals.
(Hebrew, "hand"). Pointer used to read the Torah, usually in the shape of a hand with a pointed finger.
(Yiddish, "annniversary"). Anniversary of a loved one's death.
(Yiddish; kippah in Hebrew). Male head covering.
(Yiddish; kippah in Hebrew). Male head covering.
yetzer hara
The human inclination towards evil.
yetzer hatov
The human inclination towards good.
(Hebrew, "I am" or "I will be"). Sacred name of God as revealed to Moses. Also known as the Tetragrammaton. It is considered too holy to be pronounced, and is usually replaced by Adonai in Torah readings.
Yom Kippur
The most important and solemn holiday in the Jewish liturgical calendar, observed on 10 Tishri (September or October). Jews must abstain from food, drink, and sex and all work must cease..
Zealots (Judaism)
Members of a historical Jewish movement characterized by armed rebellion against Roman rulers.
A modern political movement with the aim of creating a Jewish state.
The international movement for the establishment of a Jewish nation in Palestine, and later for the State of Israel itself.
The major text of the Kabbalah movement.