Glossary of Christianity

May 4, 2024 · updated May 4, 2024

Abbreviation for Latin anno domini, "in the year of our Lord."
Christian doctrine that Jesus of Nazareth became the son of God by exaltation that was not his at birth.
Christian religious season lasting from the fourth Sunday before Christmas until Christmas, observed by some as a period of prayer and fasting.
Alexandrian School
School of thought associated with Alexandria, Egypt. It was influenced by Platonic philosophy and tended to emphasize the divinity of Christ over his humanity and interpret scripture allegorically. Compare with the Antiochene School.
The belief that the 1,000-year period described in Revelation should not be taken as a literal 1,000-year period of time.
Conservative Anabaptist sect led by Jakob Amman that separated from the Mennonites in Switzerland around 1693. The development of more liberal sects occurred after many Amish migrated to the United States, particularly in the 1870s.
Metal ties or plates used to fasten together timbers or masonry.
Predating the Council of Nicea (325 CE).
Antiochene school
(also Antiochene theology) Modern designation for the school of thought associated with the city of Antioch in Syria, as contrasted with the Alexandrian School.
(lit. Greek: "out of the writings"). Books not included in the Hebrew canon of the Old Testament, but included in the Greek Septuagint. Catholic and Orthodox Christans include the Apocrypha in the canon of scripture; Protestant Christians do not.
(Latin apologia, "defense"). Branch of Christian theology focused on defending the faith against its critics and demonstrating its reasonableness. Lewis' Mere Christianity and Josh McDowell's Evidence that Demands a Verdict..
apostolic fathers
Group of Christian leaders and writers from the late first and early second centuries A.D. These authors were not apostles themselves, but had close proximity to the apostles, either by personal relationship or close connection with apostolic teaching.
apostolic succession
Doctrine that the authority of ordained clergy (to perform valid sacraments and teach right doctrine) derives from an unbroken succession of valid ordinations beginning with the apostles.
Doctrines of the Alexandrian priest Arius (ca. 250-ca. 336), which denied that Jesus was of the same substance as God and stated instead that he was only the highest of created beings. As such, the Son was not co-equal or co-eternal with the Father.
Ash Wednesday
First day of Lent, occuring 6 1/2 weeks before Easter. The name comes from the practice of marking the foreheads of clergy and worshippers with ash. Typically the ash comes from burning the palms used on the previous Palm Sunday.
A halo that surrounds a sacred figure's whole body.
Christian rituals or sacraments that vary by denomination, but always involve the immersion of a person in water, or the application of water by pouring or sprinkling; baptisms betoken the initiation of the baptized into the church.
Baptism of Jesus
The Baptism of Christ is a story from the Christian New Testament. At the beginning of his ministry, Jesus requests baptism by John the Baptist. After protesting that he is not worthy, John performs the baptism in the River Jordan.
baptismal cross
Cross with eight points, symbolizing regeneration.
A baptistery is a building or a part of a building containing a baptismal font and used for the Christian ritual of baptism. Free-standing baptisteries are usually octagonal in shape, as eight is the symbolic number of salvation.
Symbolizes death, darkness, sin, and hate.
Symbolizes the sky, heaven, eternity and spirituality.
budded cross
Cross with trefoils representing the Trinity.
Cappadocian Fathers
Three theologians from the region of Cappadocia in modern-day Turkey: Basil of Caesarea (c.
Ankle-length garments of various types, but usually having long, narrow sleeves; worn by men and women, especially members of the clergy and others participating in church services.
(from Greek katecheo, "instruct"). A class or manual on the basics of Christian doctrine and practice, usually as a precursor to confirmation or baptism.
Originally refers to puritan and ascetic separatists who followed the teachings of the Roman bishop Novatian in the 3rd century. Cathars led rigorously ascetic and celibate lives..
Universal. A term used by the early Christians to designate the universal Christian faith. When the eastern church split from the western in 1054 AD, the West retained this term and became known as Roman Catholic.
Celtic cross
Cross with a circle around the intersecting bars, often intricately decorated.
An ordained member of the clergy who is assigned to a special ministry, such as the armed forces, a university, or a hospital.
Outermost garment worn by bishops and priests in celebrating the Eucharist. In Eastern Orthdoxy, it is often also worn at solemn celebrations of the morning and evening offices and on other occasions.
Christ Pantocrator
Christ as "Ruler of the Universe," a common image in Orthodox iconography.
Christian Science
A Christian denomination and movement founded by Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910) that seeks to reinstate the Christian message of salvation from all evil, including sickness and disease as well as sin.
Christian feast and festival observed on December 25 to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
Area of theology dealing with the person of Christ. Treats such topics as the relation between Christ's human and divine natures, and the meaning of his sacrificial death (atonement).
Church of England
A Christian denomination sometimes considered a "middle way" between Catholicism and Protestantism. Originating with King Henry VIII's break with the Roman Catholic Church in 1534, it is the state religion of the United Kingdom.
One of the seven Catholic sacraments, and a practice in some Protestant churches, in which a baptized young adult (usually aged 13) confirms his or her continuing commitment to the Christian faith.
conqueror's cross
Greek cross with the first and last letters of "Jesus" and "Christ" on top, and the Greek word for conquerer, nika, on the bottom.
The doctrine according to which the substances of both the body and blood of Christ and of the bread and wine coexist in the eucharistic elements after being consecrated.
Council of Nicea
Council of Christian bishops convened by Emperor Constantine in 325 in modern-day Iznik, Turkey. Condemned Arianism as a heresy and produced the Nicene Creed.
Council of Trent
The 19th ecumenical council of the Catholic Church, which took place over the period 1545-63.
Creator's star
A six-pointed star representing the six days of creation and six attributes of God the Creator.
An object consisting of two intersecting bars, most commonly used as a Christian symbol or devotional object. Crosses come in a variety of forms and materials and may be small or large, plain or richly decorated.
cross of St. Peter
Inverted Latin cross, representing the martyrdom of St. Peter by upside-down crucifixion.
("cross-bearer"). Acolyte who carries the cross in a church procession before the service. The crucifer is followed by the choir, the acolytes, the lay ministers, and then the clergy in order of rank (highest last).
(Lat. cruciata, "cross-marked") Wars fought against enemies of the Christian faith, primarily the Muslim Turks in the period 1095 to 1291, but later against other infidels and heretics.
Amish virtue of humility.
Deus volt
(Latin "God wills it"). The battle cry of the Crusaders.
A geographical region headed by a bishop, which usually includes several congregations. In Eastern Orthodoxy, a diocese is called an eparchy.
(Greek "to seem"). The belief that Christ only appeared to have a human body. Associated with Gnosticism and based on the dualistic belief that matter is evil and only spirit is good.
A doctrine deriving from a schism that occurred in Christian North Africa ca. 311 CE. The Donatists arose due to a disagreement over the election of Cæcilian as the Bishop of Carthage.
(Greek doxa, "glory"). A short hymn glorifying God.
Dynamic Monarchianism
Form of Monarchianism that teaches Jesus was a man who was adopted as the Son of God, or given the "power" (Gk. dynamos) of God, at his baptism or after his resurrection. Essentially synonymous with Adoptionism.
eagle symbol
Because it soars upward, the eagle can represent the resurrection or ascension of Christ, baptized Christians, or St. John the Evangelist (because of his lofty, "soaring" gospel).
Eastern Orthodoxy
Branch that formed from the gradual estrangement among Church authorities in the early centuries of Christianity and from the political upheavals between the Eastern Roman, or Byzantine, Empire and the Holy Roman Empire.
Study of the doctrines of the church, including the study of ecclesiastical art, antiquities, and the adornment and equipment of churches.
ecumenical council
A council of the Christian church at which representatives from several regions are present. To be distinguished from a "synod," which is a meeting of the local church.
Edict of Nantes
Edict signed by Henry IV at Nantes on April 13, 1598, after the end of the French wars of religion. It granted extensive rights to the Huguenots (French Calvinists). The edict was revoked by Louis XIV in the Edict of Fontainebleau on October 18, 1685.
A festival celebrated on January 6 that is one of the three main and oldest festivals of the Christian Church (the other two being Christmas and Easter).
An interpreter or teacher of sacred lore. Athenian exegetai concerned themselves primarily with the unwritten sacred law, but also pronounced on secular and domestic questions.
Five Wounds
The five wounds of Christ suffered during the Passion: the piercing of his two hands, two feet and side. Devotion to the Five Wounds developed in the Middle Ages.
Amish virtue of calmness, composure, and placidity.
Symbolizes the sun and great value.
Good Friday
Refers to the Friday before Easter during Holy Week. On this day the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is commemorated. It is a day of penance in liturgical churches.
(Greek evangelion; Old English godspel, "good news"). The content of Christian preaching; that is, that Christ died to save humans from the penalty of sin and reunite them with God.
The first four books of the New Testament, which describe the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Gospel of John
The fourth gospel of the New Testament, written the latest and having the most unique material and developed theology.
Gospel of Luke
The third book of the New Testament and one of the Four Gospels.
Gospel of Mark
The oldest and shortest of the four gospels in the Christian New Testament, written c. 70 CE.
The undeserved gift of divine favor in the justification and then sanctification of sinners. The Greek term charis, usually translated in English as "grace," is about 150 times in the New Testament, mostly in the Pauline epistles.
Symbolizes repentance.
Great Schism
The division between Eastern and Western Christendom, which occurred in 1054 AD.
Greek cross
Cross with arms of equal length.
Symbolizes life and action.
In Christian art and symbolism, a circle or disc of light around the head. It was used in the Hellenistic period for gods and demi-gods and later for Roman emperors, and was not adopted by Christians until the 3rd or 4th centuries.
Amish concept meaning pride, arrogance, or haughtiness.
(Greek, "one substance" or "one in being"). The Christological doctrine introduced by Athanasius and accepted as orthodox at the Council of Nicea in 325.
impassibility of God
Philosophical idea, influenced by Platonism, that God cannot suffer.
Jehovah's Witnesses
Christian sect originally founded by Charles Taze Russell in the late 19th century. Russell's successor, Joseph Franklin Rutherford, adopted the name Jehovah's Witness in 1931.
Pertaining to the apostle John.
(Greek, "preaching".) Term coined by Rudolf Bultmann to indicate the essential message (or gospel) of the New Testament church.
Latin cross
Cross with an upright bar longer than the cross bar; the primary symbol of Christianity.
In the Western Christian church, a period of penitential preparation for Easter that includes 40 weekdays extending from Ash Wednesday to Easter-eve, observed as a time of fasting and penitence in imitation of Jesus Christ's fasting in the wilderness.
Maltese cross
Symbol of the Order of St. John (Knights of Malta), Malta, and many modern-day firefighters and paramedics.
Mardi Gras
(French, "Fat Tuesday"). Final climactic day of Carnival festivities, occurring on the last day before Lent (41 days before Easter). In some places, such as New Orleans, the term is applied to the entire Carnival season.
The first gospel and first book of the New Testament, written c. 80-85 CE. Emphasizes Jesus as the Messiah and fulfillment of Jewish prophecies.
(Greek mitra, "turban"). Liturgical headdress of a bishop. In the Eastern Church it resembles a crown similar in form to that worn by Byzantine Emperors. In the Western Church it is shield-shaped and made of embroidered satin, which is often jewelled.
Belief system in which God consists of a single person who reveals himself in different modes. Thus the Son is divine, but the same person the Father. Declared heretical in the early church. Closely related to patripassianism and Sabellianism.
General term for early Christian heretical beliefs that focused on safeguarding the oneness of God by denying the Trinity. In dynamic monarchianism, Jesus was a man who was given the power of God.
Mormonism (LDS)
Religious belief systems practiced by any of several denominations and sects that base their beliefs on the Book of Mormon and the teachings and visionary experiences of Joseph Smith (1805-1844).
The doctrine, named for Nestorius (d. c. 451), Patriarch of Constantinople, that there were two separate persons in the incarnate Christ, one divine and the other human. Cyril of Alexandria..
New Testament
The second part of the Christian Bible, consisting of the Gospels, Acts, letters, and an apocalyptic work.
Palm Sunday
The Sunday before Easter, commencing Holy Week and the sixth and last Sunday of Lent. Palms are blessed and carried in a procession that represents Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem during the last week of his life.
papal cross
Cross with three bars; the official symbol of the papacy.
In Christianity, the plate that holds the consecrated bread during communion.
(Gk. "father ruler") Generally, an early biblical figure such as Abraham or one of the "church fathers" of the early Christian church. Specifically, the spiritual leader of a major city in Eastern Orthodoxy.
The view, associated with Praxeas, Noetus and Sabbellius and declared a heresy, that God the Father can suffer. Patripassianism is a logical consequence of modalist monarchianism, in which the Son is the same person as the Father.
(Lat. pater, "father") Branch of Christian history and theology concerned with the church "fathers" (patres). The "Patristic period" generally refers to the period from the later first century to the mid-fifth century CE.
symbol representing immortality
Belief system that rejects original sin and asserts the ability of humans to choose good over evil with only external assistance from God. Pelagianism was attacked by St. Augustine and declared a heresy in the early church.
The general term for types of Christian faith originating from the Reformation. Although the early forms of Protestantism were those who followed Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli, the term now includes most non-Roman Catholic or non-Orthodox denominations.
The general term for types of Christian faith originating from the Reformation. Although the early forms of Protestantism were those who followed Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli, the term now includes most non-Roman Catholic or non-Orthodox denominations.
A temporary state of suffering and purification for believers who die in a state of sin.
Symbolizes royalty and associated concepts.
The hypothetical text that many biblical scholars believe was used as a source by the authors of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. It consists of all passages Matthew and Luke have in common that are not found in Mark.
(from Latin, "fifty"). The Sunday before Ash Wednesday. The word gets its name from its previous usage, which was for the 50-day period between that Sunday and Easter.
Quinque Viae
(Latin, "five ways") The five arguments by which St. Thomas Aquinas sought to prove the existence of God.
Real Presence
In Catholic and some Protestant churches, the physical and spiritual presence of the body and blood of Christ in the bread and wine of the Eucharist.
Symbolizes blood, fire, and related concepts.
Roman Catholicism
In this religious branch, faith is considered an acceptance of revelation; revelation appears as doctrine..
Russian Orthodox cross
Cross with three bars, the lowest bar low and slanted.
Modalist belief system attributed to Sabellius, in which God consists of a single person who reveals himself in different modes. Thus the Son is divine and the same as the Father. Essentially synonymous with patripassianism and modalist monarchianism.
A solemn Christian ritual believed to be a means of grace, a sign of faith, or obedience to Christ's commands. In Protestant churches, only baptism and the eucharist are regarded as sacraments..
A historic or legendary person who has been canonized.
(from Latin, "seat"). City in which a bishop's cathedral is located.
Ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible dating from 300-200 BCE, used extensively by New Testament writers and the early church.
sola scriptura
(Latin, "scripture alone"). Martin Luther's doctrine that Scripture is the only authority for Christians (i.e., church tradition and papal doctrine are unnecessary and inferior to direct reading of the Scripture).
Branch of Christian theology dealing with salvation.
St. Patrick's Day
Catholic feast day honoring St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Celebrated worldwide by the Irish, those of Irish descent, or those enjoy being "Irish for a day."
Heretical belief in which the Son is lesser than the Father in divinity, rank or honor.
synoptic gospels
(from Greek synopsis, "single view "). The New Testament books of Matthew, Mark and Luke, which offer similar views of the life of Christ and share some verbatim text.
(Greek, "God-bearer"). Title of the Virgin Mary in the Eastern Orthodox tradition, used from the time of Origen (early 3rd century) onwards as an affirmation of Christ's divinity.
Container in which incense is burned.
Event described in Mark 9:2-8, Matthew 17:1-8, and Luke 9:28-36, in which Peter, James and John saw Jesus transformed into a glowing heavenly figure and talking with Elijah and Moses.
The doctrine that the bread and wine of the Eucharist miraculously becomes the body and blood of Christ, although it continues to have the appearance of bread and wine.
The Christian conception of the one God as three persons: the God the Father, the Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
triumphant cross
Cross with an orb, representing Christ's reign over the world.
Specifically the liberal Protestant denomination active in the United States and Canada, starting first as an organized movement in the 18th century and achieving denominational status in the 19th century.
Valentine's Day
An annual celebration of romantic love on February 14, mostly in the West. Although associated with a Catholic saint, modern Valentine's Day is a non-religious holiday.
Virgin Birth
The belief that Jesus Christ had no human father, but was miraculously conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit coming upon the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Symbolizes purity, innocence and holiness.
World Council of Churches
The "fellowship of Churches which accept our Lord Jesus Christ as God and Savior" that was formally founded in Amsterdam on August 23, 1948.
Abbreviation for Christmas, replacing "Christ" with the first letter in the Greek for Christ, chi (χ).
Symbolizes daylight and divinity but also corruption and humility.
The Young Men's Christian Association, founded in London in 1844 by George Williams out of his prayer and Bible-reading meetings. The YMCA is active in over 100 countries..